Bivalent Omicron Covid Booster - Info For Making Your Decision
Humans need not apply for trials... decisions made on just 8 mice.......
Did you know the new Covid boosters were ONLY tested on mice? Evidently, no humans needed….. Many doctors and scientists have weighed in.
This article is a compilation of resources to help you make your decision about taking this booster. If we missed some great resources, please drop them in the comments and we’ll update the article.
What Happened Last Week?
Wednesday, August 31 — FDA issued emergency use authorization for new Covid boosters from Pfizer & Moderna. Normally we’d have a recording of the VRBPAC expert panel meeting. But… the FDA chose to skip convening these experts who normally review the data and make recommendations.
Thursday, Sept 1 — CDC approves immediate rollout of vaccines based on ACIP (CDC advisory committee) recommendation. ACIP held an all day meeting to review and discuss the boosters. Watch the ACIP meeting and read Dr. Nass’s live blog alongside the meeting.
ACIP Meeting: Recommendations to COVID-19 Booster Framework — Liveblog by Dr. Meryl Nass
Slides from ACIP meeting — note from Dr. Battacharya — See p. 21/22 for the report on what happened to the 8 mice (from a paper "under preparation" not even available as a preprint afaik)Booster is a bivalent vaccine — Wuhan spike + Omicron BA.5 spike
What Are the Experts Saying?
Before We Push the New Omicron Vaccine, Let’s See The Data — Dr. Marty Makary (Aug 23)
Bivalent Booster's "8-Mice Trial" Actually FAILED — Igor Chudov (Aug 31)
From Safe and Effective to “Uncomfortably Scant.” — Dr. David McCune (Aug 31)
All "Bivalent Boosted" Mice Got Covid When Challenged — Igor Chudov (Sept 1)
CDC recommends the booster WIDELY after ACIP meeting | A Professor Reflects on this action (Video, Dr. Vinay Prasad, Sept 2)
The High-Speed, Bivalent COVID Boosters are Here (Dr. Meryl Nass, Sept 6) — Thanks to James Lyons-Weiler from Popular Rationalism who featured Dr. Nass’s article. I had missed it! Also reprinted as a guest post in the RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo substack on Sept 8.
FDA, BA 6 Vaccine — Video, Dr. John Campbell, Sept 7
If you have a WSJ account, check out this article Look Who’s Rushing Covid Vaccines Now. The FDA authorized the new ‘bivalent’ mRNA shots without any trials of their efficacy or analysis of their risk. (WSJ Opinion, Allysia Finley, Sept 4)
The New COVID Boosters — What You Should Know With Meryl Nass, M.D — Video, Dr Meryl Nass, Sept 8 (she walks through and comments on many of the CDC/FDA slides)
COVID Booster Approved Despite ZERO Human Testing — Jimmy Dore
The End of Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Science in America — June 29, Toby Rogers (Utobian)
First, we have all been singing that stupid song's eight blind mice, eight blind mice, see how they run, see how they run but they all don't run because some of them died during the vaccine trials...... see , it's now right and catchier......
Also, eight mice...really...why even bother.......that is not even a trial.....stop the insanity......