Super! So helpful!


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Thanks so much for including Tess's video in this wonderful roundup, Karen! Did you know I just released Mike Yeadon's reading of "Mistakes Were NOT Made" for the one-year anniversary of my poem?


Regarding the mashup version you asked about, that was created by Darrin McBreen and was originally played on InfoWars:


I share more details in this piece:


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Oh, I remember when I stumbled on a series, "Planet Lockdown" by Mike Yeadon, early in the pandemic, when I was still semi-naive... He seemed lucid and reasonable to me, but very quickly, I noticed that many folks were ridiculing and belittling him as a pathetic shadow of his former-respected-pfizer-employee self. As someone who had sadly lost the plot. Little did I know that "ridicule, lie about, and then cancel" would become the M.O. of choice of those who would seek to silence true followers of science.

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The "Planet Lockdown" interviews along with the Corona Investigative Committee ones were crucial to my early education in the scamdemic, and Mike Yeadon's PL interview was my first encounter with him as well! I referenced "Planet Lockdown" in my second Substack essay nearly three years ago:


The methodology you described is not new and was captured by the Union of Concerned Scientists in their Disinformation Playbook in 2017:


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Excellent article! You nailed it, Karen. We were scolded, threatened, shamed, rejected, shunned, dismissed, displaced, punished, and hurt physically and mentally. We were told we were selfish and crazy. Now, they want us to forgive and forget. And get boosters.........forever.....

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